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Edge Protectors Skid Lot<br><span style='color:red;'>On Sale! - Performance Packaging, Inc.

Edge Protectors Skid Lot
On Sale!

Great savings on our most popular sizes!

  • Protects products from damage during shipment or while in storage.
  • Edge protectors stabilize strapped or stretch wrapped loads and add extra support for double stacked pallets.
  • Save by ordering in full skid quantities.

W x D x L
Price Per Each Add To Cart
1 Skid2+ Skids
EP2236120 2" x 2" x 36"Special! .120 2940 $.49 $.49
EP2248120 2" x 2" x 48"Special! .120 2940 .65 .65
EP3336120 3" x 3" x 36"Special! .120 2100 .69 .69
EP3348120 3" x 3" x 48"Special! .120 2100 .89 .89
EP2236160 2" x 2" x 36"Special! .160 2240 .69 .69
EP2248160 2" x 2" x 48"Special! .160 2240 .89 .89
EP3336160 3" x 3" x 36"Special! .160 1600 .99 .99
EP3348160 3" x 3" x 48"Special! .160 1600 1.29 1.29
EP2236225 2" x 2" x 36"Special! .225 1540 .95 .95
EP2248225 2" x 2" x 48"Special! .225 1540 1.25 1.25
EP3336225 3" x 3" x 36"Special! .225 1100 1.39 1.39
EP3348225 3" x 3" x 48"Special! .225 1100 1.79 1.79