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Union Lake, MI  48387 - USA



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Color Tinted Bundling Stretch Film<span style='color:red;'> On Sale! - Performance Packaging, Inc.

Color Tinted Bundling Stretch Film On Sale!

Bundling film is more economical and quicker to use than strapping or tape for combining items for shipment.
  • Great for coding inventory or shipments.
  • One plastic dispenser is included in each case.
  • Film will not leave a residue on products.
  • Quiet cast film.
  • Available in case quantities.

Part#Roll Size
W x L
Price Per Case Add To Cart
TNB303BLACK 3" x 1000'Special! Black80 Ga. 18 $85 $85 $85
TNB303BLUE 3" x 1000'Special! Blue80 Ga. 18 85 85 85
TNB303GREEN 3" x 1000'Special! Green80 Ga. 18 85 85 85
TNB303RED 3" x 1000'Special! Red80 Ga. 18 85 85 85
TNB303WHITE 3" x 1000'Special! White80 Ga. 18 85 85 85
TNB303YELLOW 3" x 1000'Special! Yellow80 Ga. 18 85 85 85
TNB305BLACK 5" x 1000'Special! Black80 Ga. 12 89 89 89
TNB305BLUE 5" x 1000'Special! Blue80 Ga. 12 89 89 89
TNB305GREEN 5" x 1000'Special! Green80 Ga. 12 89 89 89
TNB305RED 5" x 1000'Special! Red80 Ga. 12 89 89 89
TNB305WHITE 5" x 1000'Special! White80 Ga. 12 89 89 89
TNB305YELLOW 5" x 1000'Special! Yellow80 Ga. 12 89 89 89