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P.O. Box 972
Union Lake, MI  48387 - USA



(248) 363-3501


(248) 363-3564

Call us toll free:  (800) 777-9330
Bubble Mats - Performance Packaging, Inc.

Bubble Mats

Dozens of air pockets reduce fatigue and provide all-day comfort.
  • Resilient rubber construction does not compress over time.
  • All four sides are beveled for safety.
  • Great for stationary work places such as retail checkout or warehouse packing and production areas.

W x L
ColorThicknessPrice Per Each Add To Cart
MAT370BK 18" x 24" Black1/2" $107 $101 $92
MAT371BK 24" x 36" Black1/2" 147 143 137
MAT372BK 30" x 30" Black1/2" 154 152 147
MAT373BK 30" x 60"Special! Black1/2" 299 299 299
MAT374BK 30" x 120" Black1/2" 569 558 544
MAT375BK 30" x 240" Black1/2" 1,157 1,151 1,126